It seems that peace ethics nowadays faces new challenges because of so-called 'new wars', 'asymmetric conflicts', 'hybrid warfare' and 'failing states'. Yet political reactions and peace-ethical arguments still draw back on old rationales based on the putatively overcome 'just war doctrine'. Contrary to it, the ecumenical movement has long developed the new conceptual framework of 'just peace', which has been continued as the 'pilgrims' way of peace and justice' by the World Council of Churches. - In order to overcome the apparent lack of political alternatives, the present essay assesses this discussion critically from the perspective of Peace Churches and shows new ways towards a peace ethics which is theologically founded, politically reasonable and compatible with ecumenism.
Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2015/4 Zweimonatsschrift
Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie
Personen: Enns, Fernando
Enns, Fernando:
Am Beginn eines ökumenischen "Pilgerwegs der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens" : für eine theologisch begründete, politisch verantwortliche und ökumenisch anschlussfähige Friedensethik - aus der Perspektive der Friedenskirchen / Fernando Enns, 2015. - S.269-285 - (Evangelische Theologie) Gerechter Krieg - Gerechter Friede?