Does the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the socialist system, imply the end of Latin American Liberation Theology - force upon itself-correction? This question is given often an affirmative answer (1). Against this it is argued here that Liberation Theology did not First correct itself in 1989, and from outside. On the contrary, 'reflection', a review of its own premisses, has been a characteristic and a programme of Liberation Theology, all along (11). The 'Columbus Year' 1992 provided an Opportunity to ask afresh what an authentic Latin American Theology might be. The following new tendencies became apparent: a rejection of methodical atheism, a stress on the free purpose of Theology, an awareness of the 'Excluded', working out new, ideas of mission, and so on (111 ). The final point here is this: an ecumenical continuation of Liberation Theology really depends upon its loyalty, to its original prophetic mission. There are certainly contrary claims in Europe, in North America, and also in Latin America. They demand that Liberation Theology must reject its 'one-sided' image in order to correspond to the spirit of the age. Against this, however, it must assert its 'propheric function' (Gutiérrez) (IV).
Enthalten in:
Theologische Literaturzeitung; 1999/Nr.10 Monatsschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft
Serie / Reihe: Theologische Literaturzeitung
Personen: Brandt, Hermann
Brandt, Hermann:
Befreiungstheologie nach der Wende / Hermann Brandt, 1999. - Sp.963-978 - (Theologische Literaturzeitung)