Grethlein, Christian
Christsein als Lebensform - grundsätzliche Überlegungen

As churches in Germany undergo profound change, reviewing the understanding of "ekklesia" in the New Testament and among the first Christians helps open up a wider horizon. At that time, people were actually surprised by the special way of living Christianity offered. This changed in the course of Christian history between adaptation to the usual and contrast to it. The memory of Jesus' conduct, work and skill led again and again to corrections in this process of contextualisation. Today, social, cultural and political changes challenge the church anew to support people in their Christian way of life. In the process, common forms of life such as homo faber, homo oeconomicus and homo simultans are corrected.

Enthalten in:
Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche; 2022/4 (2022)

Serie / Reihe: Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche

Personen: Grethlein, Christian

Schlagwörter: Christsein Jesus Christus Lebensform Kontextualisierung

Grethlein, Christian:
Christsein als Lebensform - grundsätzliche Überlegungen / von Christian Grethlein, 2022. - Seite 414-426 - (Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche)

Zugangsnummer: U-0414331