Herzer, Jens
"Der Buchstabe tötet" (2 Kor 3,6) exegetische und hermeneutische Überlegungen zur aktuellen Debatte um die Homosexualität

In the debate about homosexuality and marriage biblical texts play a highly contested role. In both fundamentalism and liberalism the interpretation of biblical passages often depends an hermeneutical propositions that are not indebted to Scripture itself but rather follow other ideological frameworks. This essay attempts to develop hermeneutical criteria internal to Scripture in order to interpret the few references to same-sex practices within their original cultural context. As a result it is obvious that the biblical verdict an same-sex practices as a graphic expression of idolatry has to be differentiated from modern insights into homosexual dispositions. While selfish and abusive practices are of course to be judged, the biblical texts must not be used to condemn an enduring partnership of same-sex couples, for which marriage may function as an appropriate model.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2015/1 Zweimonatsschrift (2015)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Herzer, Jens

Schlagwörter: Bibel Ehe Christliche Ethik Exegese Hermeneutik Homosexualität

Herzer, Jens:
"Der Buchstabe tötet" (2 Kor 3,6) : exegetische und hermeneutische Überlegungen zur aktuellen Debatte um die Homosexualität / Jens Herzer, 2015. - S.6-21 - (Evangelische Theologie) Ehe

Zugangsnummer: U-0327548