This essay aims at corroborating the thesis that Dietrich Bonhoeffer's spirituality contains a mystical dimension owing its characteristics to Thomas a Kempis' Imitatio Christi. First the role of the Imitation of Christ in Bonhoeffer's life and work is explained. A second part shows concrete substantial parallels between Bonhoeffer and Thomas à Kempis' primarily based on citations from Bonhoeffer's oeuvre. Finally the essay tries to sketch the specific mystical profile of Bonhoeffer's spirituality. A short review of the history of research precedes each part.
Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2017/1 Zweimonatsschrift
Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie
Personen: Zimmerling, Peter
Zimmerling, Peter:
¬Die¬ besondere Kontur von Bonhoeffers Mystik : Thomas von Kempen als spiritueller Impulsgeber Dietrich Bonhoeffers / Peter Zimmerling, 2017. - Seite 1-18 - (Evangelische Theologie)