Lurz, Friedrich
Die Einführung des Evangelischen Gottesdienstbuches ein Ereignis von ökumenischer Relevanz

The publication of the Evangelisches Gottesdienstbuch (Service Book) after two draft versions and public discussion marks the introduction for the first time of a common rite for both the Lutheran and the United Churches. It is based on the modified structural model outlined in the memorandum Versammelte Gemeinde, where the Mass and the Service with a Sermon liturgies stand side by side. Variants of these allow adaptation to the particular circumstances of the congregation: the integrated open formulae capture the reality of worship as it is practised in the individual congregations. The Service Book merits special ecumenical significance insofar as it takes into account a passionate demand for a Service Book which suits todays needs: a liturgy which is fair to women; an inclusive liturgical language which acknowledges traditional and modern forms; a description of the Judeo-Christian inheritance and connection which ensures that the later is not monopolized by Christology Relevant too from an ecumenical perspective is Grundform I (Rite A), the Celebration of Holy Communion, where a Eucharistic Prayer chosen from thirteen alternative versions, traditional and new, is used as a rule. Continuing reservations about Eucharistic Prayers are mirrored in the extreme brevity of some of the texts and in the treatment of the Offertory statements and the epiclesis. In summary, this Service Book which is understood as being more of a handbook than a liturgy, gathers together the momentary possibilities of liturgical celebration and puts a perspective on their continuity without any element of coercion. Therefore, discussion about an appropriate shape to worship remains open and will continue to transcend denominational boundaries.

Enthalten in:
Theologische Literaturzeitung; 2000/Nr.3 Monatsschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (2000)

Serie / Reihe: Theologische Literaturzeitung

Personen: Lurz, Friedrich

Schlagwörter: Evangelische Kirche Gottesdienst Liturgie Agende

Lurz, Friedrich:
¬Die¬ Einführung des Evangelischen Gottesdienstbuches : ein Ereignis von ökumenischer Relevanz / Friedrich Lurz, 2000. - Sp.231-250 - (Theologische Literaturzeitung)

Zugangsnummer: U-0169326