Nützel, Gerdi
Die Entwicklung des Sakralbaus als sichtbarer Ausdruck der inner- und interreligiösen Pluralisierung in den 1920er Jahren

The consequence of the German Revolution of 1918 was not the end of the protestant churches in Germany, but the urge to create their own institutional and juridical framework. In the context of enormous problems and huge social differences in society, the different religions had to discuss how to contribute to a good development. During the "roaring twenties" there was a new and strong development of religious pluralism inside and between the different religions. The different religious buildings of this era show the different answers of sacral architecture for the richer and for the poorer areas of Berlin until the present time. Especially the Buddhist House in Berlin-Frohnau and the Mosque in Berlin-Wilmersdorf as well as some impressive sacral buildings of Free Churches, the Protestant and the Roman-Catholic Church became famous. Open to the international, ecumenical and interreligious cooperation, some of the founders of new movements in their own religions also engaged themselves in interreligious and international theological dialogues.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2024/1 Zweimonatsschrift (2024)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Nützel, Gerdi

Schlagwörter: Kirche-Staat-Beziehung Interreligiöser Dialog Kirchengebäude Weimarer Republik Religiöser Pluralismus Sakralraum

Nützel, Gerdi:
¬Die¬ Entwicklung des Sakralbaus als sichtbarer Ausdruck der inner- und interreligiösen Pluralisierung in den 1920er Jahren / Gerdi Nützel, 2024. - Seite 47-63 - (Evangelische Theologie) 100 Jahre Religiöse Vielfalt in Deutschland

Zugangsnummer: U-0428506