Ehrensperger, Kathy
Die 'Paul within Judaism'-Perspektive eine Übersicht

The Paul within Judaism Perspective emerged in interaction with recent development within Pauline Studies predominantly in Anglo-American scholarship. Building on the work of E. P. Sanders and K. Stendahl proponents argue that Paul remained firmly rooted within Jewish tradition, was Torah observant, called to proclaim the gospel to the non-Jewish nations. This has a significant impact on the interpretation of his letters. Three key aspects of Paul's undisputed letters following from this are considered here as examples of the approach: the addressees of the letter's being Christ-followers from the nations; loyalty to the God of Israel in diversity and the perception of the present time as the dawning of the messianic age.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2020/6 Zweimonatsschrift (2020)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Ehrensperger, Kathy

Schlagwörter: Religionsgeschichte Christentum-Judentum-Beziehung Paulus, Apostel, Heiliger

Ehrensperger, Kathy:
¬Die¬ 'Paul within Judaism'-Perspektive : eine Übersicht / Kathy Ehrensperger, 2020. - Seite 455-464 - (Evangelische Theologie) Parting of the Ways: die Trennung der Wege von Juden und Christen in der neueren Forschung

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