Brunn, Frank Martin
Doping und Sportbetrug aus christlicher Sicht

Should doping in sports be actionable by criminal law? In this article the author discusses the implications of penalizing doping by rules of sports, by civil law and by criminal law from a theological point of view. After having defined the empirical und legal scope of doping and cheating in sports, the author argues that the system of competitive sports differs from other social functional systems. Sports have a game character on the one hand and arc dispensable for society on the other hand. Nevertheless sports and their metaphors can be meaningful for many areas of life. To allow for this exceptional position doping and other kinds of cheating in sports should be penalized by rules of sports, and - in case of contract penalties - by civil law.

Enthalten in:
Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik; 2009/1 Kommentare, Studien, Berichte, Dokumentationen, Diskussionen, Rezensionen, Bibliographie (2009)

Serie / Reihe: Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik

Personen: Brunn, Frank Martin

Schlagwörter: Christliche Ethik Sport Betrug Doping

Brunn, Frank Martin:
Doping und Sportbetrug aus christlicher Sicht / von Frank Martin Brunn, 2009. - S.8-22 - (Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik)

Zugangsnummer: U-0252468