Nowak, Kurt
Geschichte - der höchste Gegenstand der Religion Schleiermachers Beitrag zur Historik in den Reden "Über die Religion" (1799)

Schleiermacher's Speeches on Religion (1799) are important in equal measure for religion and history in the early nineteenth century~ Schleiermacher, the theologian, developed a view of history implicitly in this seminal early work. It is distinct from his theoretical reflexions in his study On the Teaching of History (1793), though it is in part linked to it. The distinction between the history of salvation and world history is abolished in favour of history which is interpreted in religious terms. Schleiermacher uses in the construction of the categories associated with his view of history a series of concepts and similes associated with the sciences naturals. The historical world thus becomes from a religious perspective a hierophanty Schleiermacher stands at the beginning of a movement in which Religion and History interpret each other mutually. His Speeches on Religion are a contribution to early historicism and thus deserve the notice of historians.

Enthalten in:
Theologische Literaturzeitung; 1999/Nr.6 Monatsschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (1999)

Serie / Reihe: Theologische Literaturzeitung

Personen: Nowak, Kurt

Schlagwörter: Geschichte Religionsgeschichte Schleiermacher, Friedrich

Nowak, Kurt:
Geschichte - der höchste Gegenstand der Religion : Schleiermachers Beitrag zur Historik in den Reden "Über die Religion" (1799) / Kurt Nowak, 1999. - Sp.583-596 - (Theologische Literaturzeitung)

Zugangsnummer: U-0164500