Niethammer, Dietrich
"... immer zu trösten" ethische Beratung im ärztlichen Alltag

In this article, a paediatrician responsible for the paediatric hospital of the University of Tübingen, discusses the importance of ethical consultations in daily clinical practice. Unlike in the USA, where there are two kinds of institutional ethical advice (Ethical Review Boards take care of fundamental questions concerning research and Ethical Committees handle problems which occur in medical practice), hospitals have only established Ethikkommissionen which deal with research involving human cell material, but no discussion boards for ethical issues relating to normal medical treatment. The author describes the ad hoc consultations in his hospital in which doctors and nursing staff can discuss those problems, from their own point of view, without either diminishing the physician's responsibility or patronizing the patient.

Enthalten in:
Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik; 2002/3 Kommentare, Studien, Berichte, Dokumentationen, Diskussionen, Rezensionen, Bibliographie (2002)

Serie / Reihe: Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik

Personen: Niethammer, Dietrich

Schlagwörter: Referat Arzt Medizinische Ethik Patient

Niethammer, Dietrich:
"... immer zu trösten" : ethische Beratung im ärztlichen Alltag / von Dietrich Niethammer, 2002. - S.205-213 - (Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik)

Zugangsnummer: U-0183764