In times of paradigm shift, cybernetics has advanced to become an umbrella term in practical theology for various crisis phenomena in the protestant church. As a theological discipline, cybernetics is also experiencing a paradigm shift itself. What is the goal of the goal? What is the purpose of the purpose? How does the church work anyway? Such questions allow a glimpse of what a future church might be like. Wanting to be a team player instead of the captain - that is the challenge a cooperating church is facing. This process does not only affect the change of organizations, but it is about a spiritual rediscovery of what life means: to be part of creation, as a person with responsibility, in the words of Martin Luther: as a cooperator Dei.
Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2022/6 Zweimonatsschrift
Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie
Personen: Kühnbaum-Schmidt, Kristina
Kühnbaum-Schmidt, Kristina:
Kooperierende Kirche werden : kybernetische Perspektiven / Kristina Kühnbaum-Schmidt, 2022. - Seite 429-437 - (Evangelische Theologie) Paradigmenwechsel. Wenn christliche Kirchen von Spielführerinnen zu Mitspielerinnen werden