Zee, Theo van der
The connection of teachers' beliefs, concerns and ideals to the normative claims of religiously affiliated schools in the Netherlands

Teachers can be expected to contribute significantly to their school?s orientations and goals. Presumably, the contemporary context of pluralism, individualism and secularisation cause teachers at religiously affiliated schools to experience conflicts regarding their schools' normative claims. Based on recent and current research on teachers at religiously affiliated schools in the Netherlands, this article probes what exactly these conflicts involve, who causes them and how teachers handle conflicts that arise. Findings provide evidence that the conflicts do not appear that much in between teachers and their school, but more within teachers themselves, regarding the achievement or nonachievement of personal goals in their work. Findings are discussed with respect to finding a new balance between the individual (teacher) and the collective (the school), and to future research on teachers at religiously affiliated schools.

Enthalten in:
Theo-Web [Elektronische Ressource]; 2010/1 Zeitschrift für Religionspädagogik (2010)

Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: Theo-Web

Personen: Zee, Theo van der

Schlagwörter: Lehrer Werte und Normen Niederlande Lehrerrolle Wertevermittlung Kirchliche Schule Professionsforschung

Zee, Theo van der:
¬The¬ connection of teachers' beliefs, concerns and ideals to the normative claims of religiously affiliated schools in the Netherlands / Theo van der Zee, 2010. - S.180-192 - (Theo-Web [Elektronische Ressource]) Wertbindung und Professionalität von Lehrkräften an Schulen in christlicher Trägerschaft

Zugangsnummer: U-0317082