Roser, Traugott
Transformation in Raum und Zeit - Seelsorge als verändernde Kraft im Gesundheitswesen

The article describes what present-day practice of pastoral care in hospital settings looks like - in other countries and different religious settings, and what the typical health-services contexts are. The author suggests a practice of pastoral care which is aware of how it consciously provides a specifically different space and at the same time contributes to a better organized health service with a multidimensional character, especially with regard to spiritual care, thus transforming space and time in healthcare settings.

Enthalten in:
Pastoraltheologie; 2017/10 Monatsschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis in Kirche und Gesellschaft (2017)

Serie / Reihe: Pastoraltheologie

Personen: Roser, Traugott

Schlagwörter: Seelsorge Gesundheitswesen Spiritual Care

Roser, Traugott:
Transformation in Raum und Zeit - Seelsorge als verändernde Kraft im Gesundheitswesen / Traugott Roser, 2017. - Seite 434-448 - (Pastoraltheologie) Spiritual Care

Zugangsnummer: U-0355411