Pistorius, Dietmar
Visitationen als Instrumente der Qualitätsentwicklung im Kirchenkreis

The current practice as well as the history of visitations in the protestant church right from the beginning shows a certain ambivalence: on the one hand elements of surveillance, on the other hand such of brotherly consultation. The author suggests separating the elements of controlling from visitation, as controlling can be organized through continual reports on major financial developments and other indicators. Then, visitation as a form of consultation needs not and should not only be pursued by the members of the regional church council, but by schooled groups including "lay" members of other congregations of the region. The task is to discuss the congregational decisions and to document the results. As there may be several visitation groups working in the region it is also possible to shorten the intervals between visitations.

Enthalten in:
Pastoraltheologie; 2013/3 Monatsschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis in Kirche und Gesellschaft (2013)

Serie / Reihe: Pastoraltheologie

Personen: Pistorius, Dietmar

Schlagwörter: Qualitätsentwicklung Kirchenkreis Visitation

Pistorius, Dietmar:
Visitationen als Instrumente der Qualitätsentwicklung im Kirchenkreis / Dietmar Pistorius, 2013. - S.106-120 - (Pastoraltheologie)

Zugangsnummer: U-0301772