Walther, Christian
Welche Zukunft hat die Sozialethik? Anmerkungen zu Begriff und Funktion einer gesellschaftsrelevanten Ethik

Social Ethics raised growing interest within the last fife decades of the 20th Century. Mainly conceived as social criticism and theory of social change as well, this discipline became a major factor particularly in those church circles where ways were sought to express actively and effectively what was called "Christian social responsibility". In the course of historic developments during recent years, however, it has become questionable of wether or not this concept of Social Ethics still meets what is needed to grant orientation in how to cope with problems that are caused by these developments in society. It therefore seems legitimate to evaluate the given concept of Social Ethics in order to find out to what extend its alteration is indicated. The essay proposes to seek an answer in the direction of conceiving. Social Ethics as a shelter of different ethical approaches to scrutinise concrete developments in politics, economy and industry and their impacts on the conditions of living in society.

Enthalten in:
Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik; 2000/3 Kommentare, Studien, Berichte, Dokumentationen, Diskussionen, Rezensionen, Bibliographie (2000)

Serie / Reihe: Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik

Personen: Walther, Christian

Schlagwörter: Kirche Sozialethik Gesellschaft Engagement Dienstleistung

Walther, Christian:
Welche Zukunft hat die Sozialethik? : Anmerkungen zu Begriff und Funktion einer gesellschaftsrelevanten Ethik / Von Christian Walther, 2000. - S.182-196 - (Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik) Kontinuität und Wandel der Sozialethik

Zugangsnummer: U-0170675