Albrecht, Clemens
Werteerziehung und Werturteilsstreit die Aktualität einer alten Debatte

Der Artikel stellt die aktuelle Diskussion über Werteerziehung am Beispiel des brandenburgischen Faches LER (Lebensgestaltung/Ethik/Religionskunde) in den wissenschaftsgeschichtelichen Kontext des Werturteilsstreits um Max Weber und leitet daraus Konsequenzen für die didaktische und institutionelle Konzeptionalisierung ab. The recent discussion on value education as illustrated by the school subject "LER" (life ethics and religion) taught at schools in Brandenburg is placed in the historical context of the dispute on value judgement in the sciences triggered by Max Weber and consequences for the didactic and institutional conceptualization are deduced. Among the demands placed on both pegagogics and the school by modern politics that for "value education" has more or less become a commonplace in the rhetoric of educational policy. While, during the 1980s, this demand considered a mark of conservative educational policy, today a general consensus seems been achieved among the parties. This political preamble revived the old debate on moral education in both pedagogics and didactic, because it seemed to offer a possibility to finally translate into practice Kohlberg's multi-stage theory of moral development, which had been discussed since the late 1970s. Yet, besides the enormous amount of pedagogical literature published in the different disciplines taking part in the debate (ethics, religion, politics), the demand for valution is hardly reflected in either curricula or schedules.

Enthalten in:
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik; 2001/6 (2001)

Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik

Personen: Albrecht, Clemens Hennis, Wilhelm (gefeierte Person)

Schlagwörter: Konzept Werteerziehung Didaktik Brandenburg Lebensgestaltung - Ethik - Religionskunde

Albrecht, Clemens:
Werteerziehung und Werturteilsstreit : die Aktualität einer alten Debatte / Clemens Albrecht; Wilhelm Hennis gewidmet, 2001. - S.879-892 - (Zeitschrift für Pädagogik)

Zugangsnummer: U-0180263