D'ath, Justin
Killer Whale
Kinder-Jugend Bellet

Sam Fox is on holidays with his family in Antarctica when theri ski plance crashes on the ice. As the unstable iceshelf cracks apart, Sam and his younger brother become separated from th rest of the group. Befor long, they´s stranded on a wobbly icefkoe. Just when it seems thing couldn´t get any wors, a massive creature emerges from the deep. A creature with huge jaws, and rows and rows of enormous teeth...

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Serie / Reihe: Extreme Adventures

Personen: D'ath, Justin

Schlagwörter: ab 13 Fremdsprachig Englische Lektüre Abenteuergeschichte Killerwale

D'ath, Justin:
Killer Whale / Justin D'ath. - London : Puffin, 2008. - 139 S. - (Extreme Adventures) Killerwale
ISBN 0-14-131914-3 kart. : € 18,08

Zugangsnummer: 0065206001 - Barcode: 5100347369
Englische / Amerikanische - Signatur: JF.E D'a - Kinder-Jugend Bellet