Luciano Emilia
The way I love you or experiment of living without a fridge for three weeks

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Personen: Luciano Emilia

Zoa 9.klasse

Luciano Emilia:
¬The¬ way I love you : or experiment of living without a fridge for three weeks / Luciano Emilia, 2016. - 161 S Tb. - Figure yourself being on a three weeks holiday in a self-catering room and you are told that there is neither a kitchen nor a refrigerator for you to use. What you have available is a kettle, a cup and a spoon, a small plastic container, your pocket knife and an old cassette player with children’s songs. Sounds like a survival camp? What this actually turns out to be is the adventure of looking past and find out, who you are and how you love.
ISBN 978-1-530-84636-8 9,95

Zugangsnummer: 0017039001 - Barcode: 01165265
Zoa 9. Klasse - Sachbuch