Taylor, G.P.
Mariah Mundi and the ship of Fools

"Sie haben die Bombe nicht gefunden - das Schiff wird in 20 Stunden hochgehen". Mariah Mundi und Jack Charity sind an Bord des schnellsten und größten Dampfschiffes der Welt, Triton. Jedoch nicht zum Vergnügen: Das Schiff befindet sich zusammen mit dem Schiff Ketos in einem Rennen um einen attraktiven Preis, für den manche töten würden. Mariah und Jack wurden beauftragt, die wertvolle Fracht zu schützen. Doch jetzt sind sie gefangen - mitten auf dem Ozean. GP Taylors packenstes Abenteuer!They haven't found the bomb - the ship will explode in twenty hours.'Mariah Mundi and Jack Charity are sailing to America on the magnificent ship Triton, the biggest and fastest steam cruiser the world has ever seen. This is no pleasure cruise -- Triton is racing the ship Ketos for a prize that people will kill for: gold.

Mariah and Jack have been sent by the secretive Bureau of Antiquities to protect the precious cargo. But who will protect Mariah from the assassin who stalks him? And who is behind the plot to blow up Triton and can he trust Biba DeFeux the strange teenage girl whose billionaire father owns the ship ?

Trapped in the middle of the ocean with a bomb ticking somewhere on the ship, will this be Mariah's last adventure? Airship , villains and a ghost from the past make this GP Taylor's most gripping adventure yet. Dare you read it?'Still mourning Harry Potter? G.P. Taylor will take you right back to a world of fantasy and fun. Fast-paced adventure without a moment to lose -- the ideas and imagery are unmatched by any other writer.' (New York Times)
Über den Autor
G.P. Taylor is the author of several best-selling novels, including Shadowmancer, Wormwood and Tersias. A former vicar of Cloughton in Yorkshire, he has enjoyed a varied career, moving from rock music to social work to ten years in the police force before his ordination. He now lives with his family in Scarborough.

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Personen: Taylor, G.P.

Standort: Kinderbuchraum


Taylor, G.P.:
Mariah Mundi and the ship of Fools / G.P. Taylor. - London : Faber and Faber, 2009. - 312
ISBN 978-0-571-22700-6 fest geb. : 5

Zugangsnummer: 2011/0639 - Barcode: 000000148580
Kindersachbuch 8-12 Jahre - Buch