Oscar and Hoo

Oscar is a dreamer. He dreams of places high above the clouds. And sometimes he forgets where he is... When Oscar is on holiday, and daydreaming, he loses his parents. Alone in the big, empty desert, he is afraid. The desert is too big for a little boy like Oscar. All seems hopeless, until the most mysterious and extraordinary friend appears, as if from nowhere...

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Personen: Theo

Schlagwörter: Englisch

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

I J 82 Theo

Oscar and Hoo / von Theo, Ill. von Michael Dudok de Wit. - Bishopbriggs, Glasgow : Harper Collins, 2002. - 28 S. : Ill.
ISBN 978-0-00-710793-3 gebunden : EUR 7.80

Zugangsnummer: 2007/0430 - Barcode: 20704301
Englisch - Buch