Hilton, Nette
A Proper Little Lady

One day, Annabella Jones decides that she will make herself into a proper little lady. She puts on a fancy blue dress, with a frilly petticoat and knickers underneath. Next she dons lacy socks, shiny black shoes, a big straw hat, white lace gloves, and completes her outfit with a long gold chain. As the bedecked Annabella parades down the street, we hear the "swish, swish, swish" of her dress, the "tap, tap, tap" of her shoes and the "chink, chink, chink" of her gold chain. But soon she is called upon to rescue a cat from a tree, which marks the beginning of the proper little lady's undoing. In the end, her torn dress makes a "flop, flop, flop" sound, her dirty shoes go "clunk, clunk, clunk" and her broken gold chain says "snap, snap, snap." Annabella may have failed at being a lady, but she will succeed in finding her way into readers' hearts: both text and pictures make her a thoroughly winning girl.

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Personen: Hilton, Nette

Interessenkreis: englisch

1 englisch

Hilton, Nette:
¬A¬ Proper Little Lady / Nette Hilton. - 1. Aufl. - New York : Orchard Books, 1990. - 32 S. - Englische Ausgabe
ISBN 978-0-531-05860-2 fest geb.

Zugangsnummer: 0002484001 - Barcode: 00206617
1 - Kinder-/Jugendlit.