Lennox, Judith
A Step in the Dark
Schöne Literatur

A powerful family drama set in India and Scotland, this novel follows young Bess Ravenhart, recently widowed, as she sails from India to Britain to set up a home. Though Bess makes a new life in Edinburgh and knows the joy and pain of motherhood, she can't forget about the boy she left behind in India. When Frazer, the man she left her son with, travels to Scotland 20 years later, it seems Bess's dreams of a reconciliation will come true. But Frazer trails danger in his wake, and soon he and Bess and her whole family will live to rue the day of his return.

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Personen: Lennox, Judith

Interessenkreis: englisch

englisch Len

Lennox, Judith:
¬A¬ Step in the Dark / Judith Lennox. - London : Headline, 2006. - 634 S. - englisch
ISBN 978-0-7553-3547-3 kt.

Zugangsnummer: 0005025001 - Barcode: 00043090
Zba - Schöne Literatur