Russell, Mary Doria
Schöne Literatur

Born to the life of a Southern gentleman, Dr. John Henry Holliday arrives on the Texas frontier hoping that the dry air and sunshine of the West will restore him to health. Soon, with few job prospects, Doc Holliday is gambling professionally with his partner, Mária Katarina Harony, a high-strung, classically educated Hungarian whore. In search of high-stakes poker, the couple hits the saloons of Dodge City. And that is where the unlikely friendship of Doc Holliday and a fearless lawman named Wyatt Earp beginsù before the gunfight at the O.K. Corral links their names forever in American frontier mythologyùwhen neither man wanted fame or deserved notoriety.

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Personen: Russell, Mary Doria

Interessenkreis: englisch

englisch Rus

Russell, Mary Doria:
Doc / Mary Doria Russell. - New York : Random House, 2011. - 389 S. - englisch
ISBN 978-1-4000-6804-3 fest. geb. $26.00

Zugangsnummer: 0006741001 - Barcode: 00048354
Zba - Schöne Literatur