Pratchett, Terry
Equal Rites The third Discworld novel
Schöne Literatur

In Equal Rites, a dying wizard tries to pass on his powers to an eighth son of an eighth son, who is just at that moment being born. The fact that the son is actually a daughter is discovered just a little too late. Show More Show Less

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Personen: Pratchett, Terry

Interessenkreis: englisch

englisch Pra

Pratchett, Terry:
Equal Rites : The third Discworld novel / Terry Pratchett. - London : Corgi Books, 1987. - 282 S. - Englische Ausgabe
ISBN 978-0-552-13105-6 kt.

Zugangsnummer: 0002441001 - Barcode: 00206518
Zoa - Schöne Literatur