Bajada, Toni
The Maltese Messenger of the Grand Master
Schöne Literatur

Set with the background of the Great Siege of 1565, when the Ottoman forces almost defeated the Order and the Maltese in a four-month siege on which depended the future of Europe. Bajada was an actual historical figure who became famous for carrying secret messages in and out of the besieged cities of Borgo and Senglea while disguised as a Turk. Having learned the TGurekish language during years of captivity, Bajada was to play a crucial role in the eventual victory for the Christian side.

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Personen: Bajada, Toni

Interessenkreis: englisch

englisch Baj

Bajada, Toni:
¬The¬ Maltese Messenger of the Grand Master / Toni Bajada. - 1. Aufl. - Malta : Book Distributors, Ltd., 2008. - 322 S. - englisch
ISBN 978-99909-72-91-7 kt. EUR

Zugangsnummer: 0006725001 - Barcode: 00048200
Zba - Schöne Literatur