Moyes, Jojo
The One Plus One

One single mum. With two jobs and two children, Jess Thomas does her best day after day. But it's hard on your own. And sometimes you take risks you shouldn't. Because you have to...One chaotic family Jess' gifted, quirky daughter Tanzie is brilliant with numbers, but without a helping hand she'll never get the chance to shine. And Nicky, Jess' teenage stepson, can't fight the bullies alone. Sometimes Jess feels like they're sinking...One handsome stranger Into their lives comes Ed Nicholls, a man whose life is in chaos, and who is running from a deeply uncertain future. But he has time on his hands. He knows what it's like to be lonely. And he wants to help...One unexpected love story The One Plus One is a captivating and unconventional romance from Jojo Moyes about two lost souls meeting in the most unlikely circumstances.

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Personen: Moyes, Jojo

Moyes, Jojo:
The One Plus One / Jojo Moyes. - New York : Penguin Books, 2014. - 537 S. - Text in engl. Sprache
ISBN 978-1-4059-1818-3 : 10,70 EUR [Spende]

Zugangsnummer: 2024/0032 - Barcode: 322200008090
Englisch - Signatur: FS.E Moyes - Buch