Griffith, Jenny
Cisco Certifications: First Steps

Planning a career in IT? Cisco certification opens the door to many entry-level jobs, including jobs in network administration, security, and cloud computing. This course prepares anyone planning to pursue Cisco certification to understand the options available and the tools needed to succeed. Review the different paths; the devices, practice environments, and simulators involved; and additional resources for study. Explore the many levels of certification, from associate to architect, and get study tips that you can use on any one of the exams. Each tip is relevant to the 2020 certifications, which have been updated to reflect the latest technologies and job roles.

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Personen: Griffith, Jenny

Griffith, Jenny:
Cisco Certifications: First Steps : LinkedIn, 2019. - 00:41:09.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505195839
Signatur: eLearning - eMedium