Wink, Callan
Dog Run Moon Stories

"A construction worker on the run from the shady local businessman whose dog he has stolen; a Wild West re-enactor engaged in a long-running affair with the Indian "squaw" who slays him on the battlefield every year; a middle-aged high school janitor caught in a scary dispute over land and cattle with her former step-son - Callan Wink's characters are often confronted with predicaments few of us can imagine. But thanks to the humor, remarkable empathy and layered storytelling of this supremely gifted author, these stories become universally transporting and resonant. Set mostly in Montana and Wyoming, near the borders of Yellowstone National Park, they combine an unforgettable understanding of the natural world with powerful human concerns. Dog Run Moon announces the arrival of a major new talent writing deep in the American grain"--

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Personen: Wink, Callan

Wink, Callan:
Dog Run Moon : Stories : Random House Digital, 2016. - 256 S.
ISBN 9780812993783

Zugangsnummer: EM-400799006
Signatur: eBook - eMedium