Nelson is a man devoted to his advertising career in San Francisco. One day, while taking a driving test at the DMV, he meets Sara. She is very different from the other women in his life. Nelson causes her to miss out on taking the test and later that day she tracks him down. One thing leads to another and Nelson ends up living with her through a November that will change his life forever. (
Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren.
Personen: Reeves, Keanu Theron, Charlize Voelker, Kurt Isaacs, Jason O'Connor, Pat
Standort: DVD-Regal
DVD Er Swee
Sweet November : sie brauchte nur einen Monat, um ihn für immer zu verändern / Keanu Reeves ; Charlize Theron. Jason Isaacs ... Drehbuch Kurt Voelker. Regie Pat O'Connor. - München : Universum Film, 2009. - 1 DVD-Video (Ländercode 2, ca. 115 Min. + ca. 50 Min. Bonusmaterial) : farb ; 12 cm. - Special features: 20-minütiges Making-of, Interviews mit Hauptdarstellern und Regisseur, Trailer, ausführliche Produktionsnotizen, Wendecover
EAN 0743218969690 : EUR 7,50
DVDs Erwachene und Jugenliche - Film (DVD)