Jenkins, Elizabeth B.
Die Rückkehr des Inka Eine spirituelle Reise
Buch: Sachbuch

This internationally bestselling book takes the reader on a magical true-life adventure to discover the lost spiritual secrets of the Inkas and their Prophecies for 2012. Elizabeth B. Jenkins, a graduate student in psychology, first travels to Peru in 1988, where she discovers a land so compelling and a mysterious inner calling so profound that she quits her PhD, fiancee, sells everything, and moves to Cuzco. Constantly battling her rational mind to follow her spiritual impulses, she is led to an 'other worldly' encounter with an Inka mountain deity. This sets her on a path of unprecedented adventure into the mysteries and shadows of the High Andes, when she becomes the only white woman in a group of Native Andeans to be initiated by an Andean Priest. Finally, persevering through hair-raising challenges and spiritual obstacles she is able arrive to a higher level of Inka Wisdom, receive the Inka's Great Initiation of HATUN KARPAY and discover their surprising Prophecies.

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Personen: Jenkins, Elizabeth B.

Standort: Zell am See

Schlagwörter: Prophezeiung Spiritualität Esoterik Peru Anden Inka 2012

PR Religion, Esoterik JENK

Jenkins, Elizabeth B.:
¬Die¬ Rückkehr des Inka : Eine spirituelle Reise / Elizabeth B. Jenkins. - München : Arkana, 1998. - 346 S.
Einheitssacht.: Initiation. A Womans's Spiritual Adventure in the Heart of the Andes. - Aus dem Amerik. übers.
ISBN 978-3-442-30689-3 fest geb.

Zugangsnummer: 0014498001 - Barcode: 2-0000000-8-01141863-4
PR Religion, Esoterik - Buch: Sachbuch