Winnie makes friends with witches from all over the world!
Altersempfehlung: ab 5 Jahren.
After meeting witches from all over the globe at the Worldwide Witches' Festival, Winnie and Wilbur go on a magical tour to visit all their new friends. When they arrive back home, it's much too quiet-but then there's a knock at the door... A magical celebration of community, diversity and friendship. Scan the QR code to hear the story with music!
Serie / Reihe: Winnie and Wilbur
Personen: Thomas, Valerie Paul, Korky
Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch
Thomas, Valerie [Verfasser]:
The festival of witches / Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. - 30 ungezählte Seiten : Illustrationen ; 28 cm. - (Winnie and Wilbur)
ISBN 978-0-19-278383-7 kartoniert : 10,40 EUR
Bilderbücher - Signatur: Englisch - Bilderbuch